Chocolate Every Day Keeps the Doctor Away – DW – 11/04/2004
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Chocolate Every Day Keeps the Doctor Away

DW staff (jp)November 4, 2004

It makes you fat, it's loaded with caffeine, high in cholesterol, and bad for your skin. But chocoholics can take comfort from the good news that their guilty pleasure also has some health benefits.
No more guilty conscienceImage: Illuscope

We're all familiar with the theory that eating chocolate triggers the release of endorphins, natural opiates in the brain that reduce pain. But the feel-good factor aside, Hamburg-based DAK health insurance firm says eating chocolate actually cuts the risk of heart attacks.

DAK based the claim on a scientific study conducted by Greek heart experts and presented at a recent convention in Munich hosted by the Association of European Cardiologists. Apparently, the flavanol in cocoa reduces what's known as cellular "oxidative stress," which can contribute to circulatory disorders.

Over the years, scientists have begun to accept that the antioxidants found in cocoa can decrease the risk of coronary artery disease. Flavanols have a beneficial influence on vascular health, and cardiovascular diseases remain the number one killer in developed countries.

You know you want to

But never before has an insurance firm actually advised clients to indulge their sugar cravings.

DAK says that the evidence is now strong enough that they have decided to encourage clients to eat more plain chocolate.

Hold on to your candy bars: chocolate is actually part of a well-balanced diet. Now they tell us.

However, this isn't a license to binge. "Too much chocolate leads to obesity, which can become a health risk," warned DAK's nutrition expert Hella Thomas.