Syria diplomacy stalls – DW – 06/20/2012
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Syria diplomacy stalls

June 20, 2012

China, Russia and the US agree that a civil war in Syria is not in their interests, but have been unable to agree on a transition plan. The head of the UN observers, meanwhile, says his personnel have been fired on.
Police officers wait for news of their colleagues after a bomb exploded, near a portrait of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad at Damascus hospital April 27, 2012. A suicide bomber killed nine people, some of them security men, outside a Damascus mosque in Midan district on Friday, Syrian state media said, in another blow to a fraying U.N.-brokered truce between President Bashar al-Assad and rebels fighting for his downfall. REUTERS/Khaled al Hariri (SYRIA - Tags: POLITICS CIVIL UNREST TPX IMAGES OF THE DAY)
Image: Reuters

US President Barack Obama told reporters at the G20 Summit in Mexico on Tuesday that although China and Russia understand the dangers of civil war in Syria, they are not yet prepared to call for President Bashar al-Assad to step down.

Obama held talks with Chinese President Hu Jintao and Russian President Vladimir Putin, hoping to win their support for a political transition in Syria that would remove Assad from power. But the US president admitted that Beijing and Moscow were not on board yet.

"I wouldn't suggest at this point the United States and the rest of the international community are aligned with Russia and China in their positions," Obama said. "But I do think they recognize the grave dangers of all-out civil war."

No regime change

China and Russia, permanent UN Security Council members, have twice vetoed resolutions condemning the Assad regime. Syria is one of Moscow's last footholds in the Middle East. Russia has a naval base at the Mediterranean port of Tartus, and a lucrative arms relationship with Damascus.

French President Francois Hollande said Russia was "playing its role" to find a political solution in Syria, while British premier David Cameron claimed that Putin no longer wanted Assad to remain in power.

U.S. President Barack Obama (R) meets with Russia's President Vladimir Putin in Los Cabos, Mexico, June 18, 2012.
Putin and Obama have not found enough common ground for a joint approachImage: Reuters

But the Russian president's own statements seemed to contradict both of those of claims.

"We believe that nobody has the right to decide for other nations who should be brought to power, who should be removed from power," Putin told reporters during a post-G20 news conference.

"It is not changing the regime that is important, but that after changing the regime, which should be done constitutionally, violence is stopped and peace comes to the country," he said.

UN monitors fired on

In New York City, the head of the 300 military observers in Syria told the UN Security Council during a close door session that the mission had come under both direct and indirect fire with increasing frequency.

Major General Robert Mood said that the unarmed observers had taken direct fire at least 10 times over the past week and that indirect fire was a daily occurrence. Nine vehicles from the UN Supervision Mission in Syria (UNSMIS) had been struck or damaged, according to UN diplomats who heard Mood's testimony.

"Shelling, small arms fire and other incidents are coming much closer, and we have been targets several times over the last few weeks," Mood told the council.

Although Mood suspended UNIMIS last week due to the increasing danger to his personnel on the ground, he told reporters after his Security Council testimony that there were no plans to cancel the mission.

In this picture taken during a UN observer-organized tour, UN observers don body armor upon their arrival in Hama city, central Syria, on Thursday May 3, 2012. Syrian security forces stormed dorms at a northwestern university to break up anti-government protests there, killing at least four students and wounding several others with tear gas and live ammunition, activists and opposition groups said Thursday. (Foto:Muzaffar Salman/AP/dapd)
The UN observers come under fire on a near daily basisImage: dapd

Syria's ambassador to the UN, Bashar Ja'afari, blamed the escalating violence on "armed groups" and "terrorists," while re-iterating the Assad regime's commitment to the peace plan brokered by UN-Arab League envoy Kofi Annan.

"The only way to push forward is to guarantee the success of the six-point plan of Mr. Kofi Annan," Ja'afari said.

Violence has continued largely unabated since the Annan plan went into effect on April 12. The UN estimates that more than 10,000 people have died since President Assad began the crackdown on the Syrian opposition in March 2011.

slk/jm (AP, AFP, Reuters)