Travel Tips – DW – 03/10/2008
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Travel Tips

March 10, 2008

We asked readers who've traveled to Germany about their experiences and they shared some tips about their favorite destinations. Have you been to Germany, too? Click on the link below to tell us about your trip.
Martin Vogl
Martin Vogl likes the beer in Cologne

Martin Vogl, 29, is a journalist from Australia.

My favorite destination in Germany: Cologne

My preferred accommodation: Staying with friends -- ideally, with those who live in an old building in the Suedstadt district of Cologne.

A perfect day in Cologne: First, the friend I stay with makes us a typical German breakfast, which we linger over until late morning. Then we head to one of the many parks in the city to play soccer or Frisbee. In the afternoon, we drink a refreshing glass of Koelsch, the local beer in Cologne. And in the evening we go to the theater or to one of the many crazy bars in the city.

I tend to spend my money on: Good food! I don't only like German cuisine but also love all the authentic restaurants that you can find since so many people from different countries live here.

My Tip: The Eifel region is nearby. I'd recommend visiting one of the volcanic lakes; there are many in the Eifel. The water is fantastic and the countryside too, of course.

Where I want to visit next: I'd like to hike in southern Germany. But unfortunately I'm not usually very active during my vacations. (Is that because of the beer?)

What I like best about Germany: The great cafes that are run by nice, intelligent people and that you can often find exactly when you need them.