Back to Nature – DW – 09/15/2004
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Back to Nature

Elke Roessler (wo)September 15, 2004

Germany has more than 90 natural parks, 14 bio-spheres reserves and 13 national parks. One of them is the Müritz national park in Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania.
Boats on Lake MüritzImage: transit-Archiv

The landscape formed 10,000 years ago by the ice age belongs today to the most beautiful areas in the northeastern Germany. Over 1000 sparkling blue and immaculate-clean lakes are surrounded by forests and open country side.

Picknick an der Müritz
Picnic on Lake MüritzImage: transit-Archiv

The biggest lakes in this area are next to the Müritz lake Plauer, Lake Fleesen and Lake Kölpen. Müritz is a Slavic word and means little sea. Lake Müritz is 117 square kilometers (45.2 square miles) big, 23 kilometers (14.3 miles) wide and 29 kilometers long.

Almost a Jungle

The Müritz national park is half way between Hamburg and Berlin. The 322 square kilometer big park consists mostly of forests and water. When taking a journey through the park, one realizes quickly that the word natural stems indeed from the word nature -- the green paradise resembles a jungle.

Müritz-Steam ShipImage: transit-Archiv

The so-called developing zone comprises the biggest part of the national park. This means that in that zone as little as possible is intervened with nature, giving nature the chance to mature in the course of time to an important completely untouched core zone. However, much attention is devoted to eco tourism in order to make this unique nature heritage accessible to the general public.

Bird watching

The national park is most notably famous for its white-tailed-eagles, ospreys and cranes. The cranes (a species that has almost died out) are a living proof of the faultless nature. Observing the white-tailed-eagles in their nests is a truly unique experience.

A camera, focused on the nest, makes it possible to follow every movement of the raptors and their babies on a television set in the national park information center. Such a close up view in the daily lives of the eagles would otherwise not be possible.

Mobile without Boundaries

Umweltverträglicher Tourismus im Frankenwald
Müritz National ParkImage: frankenwald tourismus

The best way to discover the Müritz national park is by bike. However, walks, boat trips or horse rides offer great alternatives. The Priesterbäckersee is definitely worth a visit. A long moor catwalk leads you to this beautiful lake which forms part of the many lakes in this area and from which the water lilies can be marvelled at best.

Because of the rising number of visitors the national park arranged for a so-called visitor-control device to keep its original beauty intact. When entering the park, visitors are informed on how to use the park’s facilities. National park tickets come in handy. Buses, ships and canoes provide an excellent transportation net. Moreover, bikers can take their bikes on the national park lanes for free.

Flora, fauna and geology

Bootshäuser an der Müritz
Boathouses on Lake MüritzImage: transit-Archiv

The city of Waren, close to the national park, acts as a tourist center. The natural history Müritz Museum there is worthwhile visiting. During the exhibitions information on the flora, fauna and geology of the region are given and a cultural-historic link to Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania is drawn.