MPLA wins in Angola – DW – 09/03/2012
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MPLA wins in Angola

Antonio Cascais/alSeptember 3, 2012

Angola's long ruling president Jose Eduardo dos Santos and his MPLA party have won 73 percent of the national vote. But opposition parties say the elections were not free and fair.
Angola's President Jose Eduardo dos Santos (C) REUTERS/Siphiwe Sibeko (ANGOLA - Tags: POLITICS ELECTIONS MEDIA)
Wahl AngolaImage: Reuters

With 90 percent of the votes counted by the electoral commission on Monday, the early results show that the ruling Popular Movement for the Liberation of Angola (MPLA) has garnered nearly three quarters of the vote.

The main opposition party, the Union for the Total Independence (UNITA), a former guerrilla movement, had won a 18.4 percent of the national vote.

The newcomer Casa-CE party won 6 percent. The Federalist Party (PRS) and the former liberation movement each got a little over one percent.

Dubious process and irregularities

Despite the elections being relatively peaceful, most of the 8 opposition parties criticized the electoral process saying that the elections were not free and fair. UNITA's spokesperson Alcides Sakala denied a report by state radio that declared dos Santos president – elect.

"UNITA has at no time recognized the provisional results. We would like to clarify that these are only provisional figures that have to be validated by the election observers and opposition parties," Sakala insisted.

Isaias Samakuva, leader of Angola's main opposition UNITA party. REUTERS/Siphiwe Sibeko (ANGOLA - Tags: POLITICS ELECTIONS)
UNITA leader Isais Samakuva claims that the polls were manipulated.Image: Reuters

Due to what he called dubious processes and irregularities, Eduardo Kuangana, head of the PRS Party remains cautious.

"I have been told that one of my scrutineers in Bengo province had been beaten up and forced to flee. Unfortunately this is not an isolated case," Kuangana noted. "This has also been happening in other areas like Camama area near Luanda province. I am worried and I therefore doubt that we may recognize the results," he added.

Even some members of the ruling party agree. Marcoline Moco is a former prime minister of Angola. Working closely with President José Eduardo dos Santos, he oversaw the transition of Angola into a multi-arty system. Speaking to DW, Moco remains critical on the election process and described it as not free and fair.

Marcolino Moco, Angola's former Prime Minister. Foto: António Cascais
Angola's former Prime Minister Marcolino Moco wants the West to take action.Image: António Cascais

"President Jose Eduardo dos Santos has used his power and influence to suppress the opposition," Moco said. He urged Angolans and the international community to take action. "Because of the economic crisis, the West is acting like China. They forgot all about democracy and became indifferent to what is happening in Angola," Moco said."

Celebrating the victory

African Union observers have declared the elections to be free, fair, transparent and credible, despite the oppositions' claims.

Meanwhile, MPLA members are celebrating their victory. "We are very pleased that the voters made us the winner of the general elections," Luanda governor Bento Bento told reporters.

According to the constitution, the leader of the winning party will be awarded a five year term as president. That means the incumbent, 70 year old Jose Eduardo dos Santos who has been in power for 32 years will stay another five years in power. The final official results are expected on September 4th.