A journey through time and timeless timekeepers – DW – 03/23/2017
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A journey through time and timeless timekeepers

March 23, 2017

Has our relationship with time evolved over time or are we just always reinventing the clock? As Europe switches from winter to summer time this weekend, here's a look at timekeepers old and new.

Clock, Copyright: picture-alliance/Bildagentur-online/Tetra Images
Image: picture-alliance/Bildagentur-online/Tetra Images

In a European-wide online referendum this year, a clear majority of those reponding expressed a preference for abolishing the twice-yearly change from winter to summer time in the spring and back again in the fall.

Quickly responding, the European Commission seemed to herald the end of the era of semiannual time changes in Europe - though the final decision will rest with the individual countries. 

Much of human existence is expressed in terms of time, whether you are enjoying some "down time," living on "borrowed time," or having a "hard time" or "serving time." One thing is certain: We cannot escape time. Some events heighten our awareness of time - such as the equinox or the onset of summer or winter time, gratifying or annoying as it may be.

How we measure time also says a lot about how we view it. You have the "sands of time" in an hourglass or coordinate your plans with others "like clockwork."

Through it all, we try to keep time stylishly, fashionably, even timelessly. Even though wristwatches have waned in popularity with the arrival of mobile phones, new trends such as smart watches keep our fascination with time alive.

But however you feel about time, there never seems to be enough of it.

Sertan Sanderson Moderation
Sertan Sanderson DW journalist & human seeking to make sense of the world and understand what motivates other humansSertanSanderson